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Family moving into new home.

13 May . 2020

Tips for Moving During a Pandemic

Everyone is on high alert with the global corona virus pandemic, but moving is still possible even if it may look a little different than normal. Sometimes your move can't wait, or the space you are in now just won't cut it. Whatever your reason for moving, here are some tips for how to stay safe and sanitary throughout the moving process:

  • Preparation is key- Whether you are moving on your own or hiring a moving company, you cannot over prepare. Many moving companies are taking extra precautions right now, and so should you. Make sure the moving company (or anyone helping you move) has easy and clear access to gather your belongings while maintaining social distance. Have extra gloves and masks on hand just in case, in addition to some multipurpose disinfectant. Make a plan for how to reduce contact and increase social distance on moving day and share your plan with anyone helping you move. 
  • Questions, questions, questions- Write out a list of every question you might have before calling a moving company. What are they expecting from you? What should you expect from them? What extra precautions are they taking for COVID-19? There should be open and honest communication between all parties involved, in the interest of everyone's health and safety.
  • Virtual Paperwork- In this day and age, virtual contracts and payment are quickly becoming the norm. Moving and rental companies should be able to accommodate signing and paying for everything remotely to avoid any unnecessary face to face interactions. 
  • Pack Early- The COVID-19 virus can survive on surfaces for a long time. To minimize everyone's risk of infection, be sure to pack at least a day in advance. This will leave extra time for sanitizing, and increases the likelihood the virus will die off of any infected surfaces before handling. 
  • Unpack with care- Before you open your first box, make sure to sanitize everything. Spray or wipe down each box, and ensure all the seals are still intact. This signals everything is still sanitary post move. If possible, once you sanitize only unpack what is necessary after you sanitize and leave the remaining items packed away for a day. This allows time for any potential pathogens to die off of infected surfaces before boxes are opened and unpacked. 
  • Expect the unexpected- Visualize the move from start to finish. Take yourself through the process and look for anything that could go wrong, then make a list of all the potential hurdles. After you have your list, write down solutions for each potential problem. Remember each home and each move is different, so try to think of the nuanced issues that may arise based on your new and former home. 
  • Storage is still an option- If moving will be too logistically taxing right now, most storage providers are still open and can provide an alternative to moving all of your belongings at once. You will know what is right for you. Having the flexibility to store your belongings can be a powerful tool if you are in a pinch. 
  • Check the fine print- Check with any moving, storage, and rental companies you plan to use. Their policies may have changed during this pandemic, and it is best to know what to expect before moving day. 

Moving may be a longer process than normal during this time, but it is still easily accomplished with some vigilance and a lot of sanitary wipes! Just remember to make a plan, take your time, and make sure everyone is working in a way that maintains healthy practices.